Saturday, December 12, 2015

Martial Arts - Bring out the Super Kid in your Child

Bring out the Super Kid in your Child: Bruce McCorry's Academy
By Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts

All kids are special, and every child is special in his or her own unique way. Parenting theorists do not advise us any more to make decisions for the children on what they wish to do or become. But if you can take a decision for them which will bring out whatever that is unique and special in them, that decision would be martial arts. Choosing martial arts for your child is not the same as telling him/her what to become. Instead, it is showing them the best way to become what they want to be. In other words, martial arts does not make super kids of your children; it brings out the unique super kid that is already within him/her.

Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts: A Unique Search For the Uniqueness
How exactly does martial arts do this? At Bruce McCorry's Academy, for instance, you would find a set of programs that is designed to bring out the best in your child through personal care, attention and formative molding of character.

Children begin with big dreams, but something might lie in their way to their ambition. For some, this might be lack of self-confidence. For some others, it might be their health. For yet some others, their fitness and looks can be important. Some might need to work on their stress, while some on their study skills. Martial Arts at Bruce McCorry's Academy has a number of different programs and schemes that allow your child to work out his/her specific need. Thus, it can instill confidence, strength, calmness of mind and courage in your kid. It can make them healthier, sharper and fit.

Apart from these, the Bruce McCorry's courses help to find the unique potential of your child and work on it. Kids with a bent toward athletics and sports find quick-moving and athletic martial arts like Taekwondo more interesting. Some children might want to be focused and goal-oriented in their lives. Meditative and slow-paced arts can help these children to focus on academics and similar career options.

Values and Martial Arts: Shaping the Character of Children
Apart from what is unique to your child's temperament, there are also many values that martial arts teach children. Academies like Bruce McCorry's also focus on the value system of each martial art. This is a repository of many values like good manners, courtesy, mutual trust, respect, companionship, collective effort and much more. Above these societal values, martial arts can also teach individual values like punctuality, responsibility and leadership quality.

The Three Facets of Your Super Kid's Life
Parenting is a demanding task, and to never fall short of your duty as a parent, it is important to help children to navigate through their lives and find their uniqueness. What most children find difficult is to bring the three aspects of their lives - studies, fun and character formation – to a balance. Three are equally important for a child's holistic growth. School or family can help in each of these. But martial arts can tell them how to balance the three without compromising the other. And here lies the potential of martial arts to bring out the super kid in your child. Do this today for your child's happiness tomorrow!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Martial Arts to Combat the Issues Our Youth Face

Young Lives and their Challenges: How Martial Arts Can Help 
written by: Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts Academy - Peabody, MA

With many countries recording a population growth rate either negative or diminishing by year, it is predicted that the youth will comprise a major section of population in the years to come. The focus on youth as a major section of society has resulted in a lot of research recently. This has brought to light numerous issues that the youth in our country face, some of them already looked into, some recently receiving attention.

Top Issues Faced by Our Youth

1. Single Parenting: 
The rise in the number of single parent homes over the years has influenced the young in many ways, often leading to emotional breakdown and insecure living practices.

2. Alcoholism and Drug Abuse: 
Addiction to alcohol, smoking and drugs are not unusual among our youth. This has created problems like drunk driving accidents, insecure relationships and unhealthy sexual behavior.

3. The Pressure to Grow Up: 
Our children today face the pressure from society to grow up too soon. When kids are exposed to sexual suggestions, drugs, smoking and the 'being cool' mantra through the media, the stress it creates on their emotional make up is often traumatic.

4. Violence among Youth: 
From school bullying and hazing, violence among teenagers has reached a stage where shooting and stabbings are not unheard of any more. Violence among the young is on the rise not just in school, but in spaces where they spent the afterschool hours.

5. Being on the Race: 
Too much emphasis on success has led our youth to a stage where materialism and consumerism has replaced success. Our youth counts its success in terms of the money they make or the things they buy – not in terms of successful relations, happy families or peaceful lives.

6. Obesity: 
Though it might sound surprising, obesity is a difficulty faced by huge percentage of American children. How much ever we blame junk food, TV and internet, the lack of physical activity is the foremost reason for this.

7. Job and Education: 
Education has become one of the most unaffordable things next to health, and this is a real issue for the youth. With a economy in a regressive state and with labor cost cuts around, employment has become another challenge for our youth.

Martial Arts to Combat the Issues Our Youth Face
Living the life of the young has become more challenging and demanding than it used to be. Though you might not be able to shield your child from all this, perhaps the best companion for your kid to course through this life might be the ever popular martial arts.

At one of the best martial art schools like Bruce McCorry’s Academy, you will find programs that give children the emotional poise and strength to deal with the pressures of home, school and society. Even more beneficial than a typical gym workout, martial arts are extremely rewarding for children with obesity and similar health issues. It instills in them sharpness and management skills that will aid them in work and study. By teaching them confidence and courage, it prepares them for school and employment. It gives them the daring and strength to fight back bullying and violence. It tells them how to value something beyond the material race for success, and give more importance to happiness, family and relations. This is what will guide them through their youth life. Say YES to Martial Arts!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Martial Arts Fitness and the Holidays

Martial Arts Fitness and the Holidays: 
Solutions for Weight Gain and Lack of Motivation 
written by: Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts Academy

The best time of the year is about to arrive, and no one wants to be plodding to the gym during the holidays. But once back to the daily routine, your life begins to show up the holiday hangover. But is that an excuse to give up your much-awaited break?

The Holiday Hangover – What Happens Actually?
Much of the post-holiday lag happens because you cut yourself off from whatever you keep doing around the year - the usual diet (definitely!), the regular workouts and your engagement with studies or work. Each of this has its own demerit. Switching over suddenly from low-calorie diets to rich diets naturally adds to your weight, but the holiday weight gain is supposed to be at 5-7 pounds for a normal person (much higher than other weight gain spells). This is also at the cost that it is quite impossible to lose the weight thus gained. Suspended workout schedules adds to this. It also kills your motivation to stay fit even though you might want it badly. Once we break the workout schedule, we often postpone restarting it. Part of it has to do with the lack of motivation that holiday gives you. This lack of motivation affects your daily work as well. After holidays, school-going children report less attention levels and slower mental activity. For adults too, fitting back to deadlines and targets is a task which causes much strain.

Stay in Touch during Holidays - Martial Arts

Is there a way to stay in touch with your daily routine even during the holidays, but without spoiling the fun of the celebrations? Perhaps martial arts can provide a solution. 
  • Martial arts is your perfect fitness solution. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, major arts can burn from 590 to 931 calories per hour. 
  • Martial arts is the most effective answer to holiday weight gain. It has a benefit over usual workouts – it does not just tone your body, but also prepares your mind positively to lose weight and achieve your goal.
  • It can improve immunity and heath whether for children or adults, young or old.
  • It enhances brain activity, alertness, quickness of thought and memory in children. When their brain remains active through the holidays, they won't find it difficult getting back to work once the school opens.
  • The mental benefits hold in the case of adults as well. But in their case, martial arts also play the additional role of a stress-relief. It will help you easily readjust to your routine; it will also help you to go back to your job with a fresh and free mind.
  • Martial arts keep your motivation level high, even during the holidays.
Martial arts are easier and more interesting than typical gym workouts, so that you can easily spend an hour or so even during your holidays. If you cannot do that, then you can take up martial arts right after the holidays, which will get you back into shape and boost your lost energy. At quality martial art academies like Bruce McCorry's Academy, you can choose your perfect program to regain fitness and motivation during and after holidays. For this most special holiday, make the choice, and don't compromise your fun!  Make it a truly Happy Holiday with Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts, Peabody Ma.