Friday, April 15, 2016

National Autism Month: A Martial Arts Focus

April, the National Autism Month: A Martial Arts Focus 
written by: Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts

April is nationally dedicated as the month of autism awareness. When we dedicate a month for the kids born in the autistic spectrum, it means a huge change has come about in the health profile of the nation and in our perceptions of it. 

Health profile is definitely changing, since there is a general increase in the number of autism diagnosis. Our perceptions are also changing, because autism is more widely recognized now, it is diagnosed and cared for, the approach towards people in the spectrum has become more positive and inclusive. Today we are aware that those who are born autistic have several potentials, and can lead quality lives to a great extent. Martial arts is one of those assistance's that can help autistic children to nourish their full potential and lead better lives.

Martial Arts and Autism: A Way Forward
What martial artists have been trying to say for a long time is now being proved by studies and clinical research. 

The following instances are examples:

* University of Wisconsin proved in 2010 that autistic children can gain a lot from martial arts – it helps them to socialize better, to be physically coordinated, and to have improved self-confidence.

* Martial art lessons are shown to provide spaces where children are asked to interact with instructors, talk with friends, pair with partners, and work as a team with students. Though these are more difficult for autistic children, special care will naturally improve their social skills.

* University of Isfahan brought out the path-breaking finding that martial arts can actually reduce obsessive and repetitive actions in the children of autistic spectrum. Martial arts involves a lot of self-control and self-disciplining. The reduction in stereotypical behavior could also be because of the fact that martial arts give the children with special needs a vent to exhaust their excess energy.

* As several studies noted, martial art training considerably improves the motor skills and motor coordination among autistic kids
* Perhaps, what autistic children can benefit the most from is self-esteem. Martial arts show them whom they really are: talented children with great potential in a number of aspects. Coupled with developed physical strength, martial arts give them confidence. This will help them to stand up to bullying and hazing which are usual classroom concerns faced by these children.

Choosing Special Needs Martial Arts for Your Child
Given all the merits of martial arts, it is extremely important to choose a genuine and reliable martial art school for your child. Make sure that the instructors and helpers are trained to care for children in the autistic spectrum. You should also ensure that the institution keeps mandates of safety.

The special needs program at Bruce McCorry's Academy is an example of how an ideal special needs martial art program should be. It opens up a space where children can socialize with and learn from their peers and trained instructors in a safe and happy atmosphere which they will love. Bruce McCorry's also provides special care which would help you to identify your child's specific talents, strengths and weaknesses and how to care for these. With Bruce McCorry's Academy, this April can perhaps make a change in your child's life. Call  today for more information, 978. 535.7878

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Martial Arts and Parenthood

Martial Arts and Parenthood: It’s Time to Begin the Journey
written by: Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts

Parenthood is not just a state of being, it is a responsibility and a tryst with future. It is your way of saying to the world that this is the best I can offer to the world: your children are indeed whom you leave behind in this world. To fulfill this responsibility to the best, what you need perhaps is a journey through the world of martial arts.

Top 5 Reasons for being a Martial Arts Parent
Martial arts is one unique gift that you can pass on to your children, a chain that may last long down the generation lines. It’s the best thing you can do for your kids, because of the following reasons:

1. To Teach Them to Stand Up
Our children no more live in a world where their childhoods are an eternal bliss of freedom from stress. They might be being bullied, they might be forced to do what they don’t want to be doing, because of peer pressure. It is up to you to be his/her tutor, to teach them to stand up for themselves, defend themselves and never lose their dignity. Through martial arts, you will be equipped to do that as a parent.

2. Defending the Family
Being a parent means that beyond self-defense, you also might be asked to stand up for your family at times. Whether you are a mother or a father, situations might arise when you need to deal with antisocial people or circumstances. Learning martial arts can help you to defend your children and stand up for them when the time comes.

3. Being the Healthy and Emotionally-Balanced Parent
For mothers, there is the mild martial arts training and meditation that you can practice during your months of pregnancy, under the advice of a doctor. From the moment of being a parent, being a healthy and emotionally strong mother or father is inevitable for your child to get the best of your care and time. Martial arts can keep you refreshed, healthy and emotionally poised.

4. Be Fit, Be their Hero
Being a fit and healthy parent can win the heart of your children in more than one way. It helps you to be a part of their games and their fun, it also helps you to take part in their energy and their liveliness. Further, a fit parent is a model for the child to be fit and healthy when they grow up. Remember, you are their superhero and superwoman.

5. Martial Arts: the Bond with your Child
When you and your child learn martial arts together, it binds you in ways which no other sport can do. It is not just the time you spend with him/her that matters, but also the values you instill in them, the fun you have with them, and the moments of togetherness and care.

Bruce McCorry’s Martial Arts: For the Parents and the Kids
Bruce McCorry’s Academy is one of those few institutions in martial arts where you can be a part of family martial arts – where children and parents can learn martial arts together. We have trained instructors for children and adults, and also different adult and children programs for those who want it. Bruce McCorry’s is the place where you can have the best time with your child and learn martial arts for being a better parent. Be here today!