Saturday, June 18, 2016

Martial Arts for Parents and Children

Why All Parents and their Children Should be Enrolled in Martial Arts

Martial arts is perhaps a sport around which the most number of myths have built on over years. Perhaps that is why many adults, especially parents, tend to hold often contradictory beliefs about martial arts. Some consider it a downright children’s sport in which adults have no role to play, while some call it too dangerous and destructive to send their children into. The reality is that both are myths which need to be busted, and we need to rethink martial arts for parents and children in potentially productive ways.

Martial Arts: Why Parents Should Say Yes to It
A word to all those parents who staunchly believe that martial art is a child’s affair: there is much in it for adults in general and parents in particular. Adults who learn martial arts have found in it a lifelong companion that would keep them healthy, fit, confident, strong and stress-free. This is particularly true for parents. Parents have much to gain from learning martial arts. It helps them to obtain the physical vibrancy and freedom from everyday worries – exactly what they need to make the most of the time they spend with their children. It teaches them the presence of mind to deal with everyday parenting situations. Best of all, martial arts can transform you to an ideal role model for your child – physically fit and emotionally poised mothers and fathers whom your kids can look up to.

Children and the Benefits of Martial Arts
If you think that martial arts are too dangerous or physically demanding for your child to take up, that too is a myth which has to be busted. In good schools, martial arts can be chosen in customized ways where the instructor will teach exactly what your child needs and he/she can take. It teaches not the vices of fighting or conflict, but the values of mutual courtesy, respect and trust. It teaches kids to work with others and take failures without crying over them. Additionally, martial arts can activate certain areas of the brain of children and give them intellectual skills that will help them to shine in academics. It is also a booster of athletic, kinetic and physical abilities of your champion.

Martial Arts Lessons for Parents and Children: A Bruce McCorry’s Way
Bruce McCorry’s Martial Arts Academy, a martial arts school that stays ahead of time, has come up with effective martial art lessons for parents and children. This was a result of the realization that martial arts can be a splendid opportunity for parents and children to share time and space together and learn from each other. Martial art lessons at Bruce McCorry’s Academy are your golden ticket to be the part of some of the most amazing moments of your child’s life which you will cherish forever. Bruce McCorry’s has also options for children and adults to take lessons separately. So it doesn’t matter even if you cannot enroll, you can still ensure a seat for your child – a gift that your child will remember forever. Be a part of Bruce McCorry’s Martial Arts to ensure a happy present and a successful future for you and your child!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Self Defense Classes for All Ages at Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts

Self Defense Classes for All Ages at Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts Academy

It isn't today or yesterday that feminists of our country started talking about a rape culture that is in growth. A term once used to describe the fearful ways in which violence against women was normalized in a society has taken appalling dimensions in our contemporary reality. We have grown into what can be called an assault culture, where not just rape, but all kinds of violence and assault are on the rise and are legitimized. Without belittling the women's question, it is evident that children, teens, seniors and all other disadvantaged sections of the society are not free from the clutches of assault.

Self Defense: A Motto for Our Times?
According to Worldwide Sexual Assault Stats, one-third of American women have experienced sexual abuse at least once. Bureau of Justice Statistics give a more gender-neutral insight. It pitches the number of men and women annually raped in our colleges at above 65000. places the number of child maltreatments between 4 to 7 every day. It was just five years back that Center for Disease Control maintained that around 4800 teenagers were victims of homicide.

The brief statistics above sketches a time when social spaces are getting riskier every day, and not many people have time for others. In such an age, the importance of self defense is more than what can be gauged. Because, everyone from the school going child to the senior in the safety of his/her home is in need of the art of defending themselves.

Martial Arts: The All-rounder Self Defense for the Entire Family
One self defense that can be easily picked up and effectively used by everyone in the family is martial arts. It is one of the most pliant of all self defense techniques that can adapt itself to the capabilities and aptitudes of those who learn them.

Martial arts builds physical strength, quick reflex response and confidence in its learners. Martial arts teaches you how to overpower assaulters and defend yourself in a professional and safe way. In the unofficial experiences and testimonials collected by martial arts experts, there is a considerable reduction in the number of abuse among women who have learnt martial arts. It teaches children and teenagers to fight back bullying and hazing. It also works for you by calming your agitated mind and giving you a calm composure in the face of emergencies.

Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts: Self Defense in its Professional Best
Bruce McCorry's Academy (Peabody, MA) is a martial art school with a history dating back to 1970s. We offer a wide range of martial art courses ranging across Kickboxing, Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Taekwondo that would build on your inner strength and courage. Bruce McCorry's Academy has both intense and soft martial art courses which you can choose depending upon your temperament, interest and ability. The academy also has popular children's programs that focus on building their confidence and strength. Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts, for children, is their primary course towards building a fearless and safe future. Adults and children can join individually, or as a family. 

Ensure your seat and safety today to experience self defense-oriented martial art lessons with a professional touch.