Saturday, July 16, 2016

Bruce McCorry's Little Ninjas Martial Arts

Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts Little Ninjas Program
A Must have programs for your Little One.

Enrollment for the Little Ninja's program as well as the After School Programs are now open. Seats are limited.
(978) 535-7878

We all know Martial Arts can be a brilliant sport for all to learn, for self protection and mind and body fitness. However, very few people consider a pre-school child learning Martial Arts, indeed some would say that it is impossible. But this is definitely true. With the Bruce McCorry's “Little Ninja” program, your pre-schooler can learn Martial Arts in a happy and safe environment. The Bruce McCorrys Academy is a Martial Arts school that has been open since the 1970's. It trains people of all ages to be competent and confident people especially in terms of self protection. They learn great Martial Arts skills as well as obtain great fitness as an added bonus. The Academy is renowned for the staff and teachers who have helped so many people learn the importance of Martial Arts over the past four decades, as well as help others socialize with each other in a safe space. But, what is pre-school Martial Arts and how can Bruce McCorrys Little Ninjas classes help your child develop into a happy and healthy child?

The Little Ninjas program is very popular fun and creative way to develop your child's basic motor senses and listening skills. The program has been created in a fun way that can help develop your child's reactions and interactions in their home and social life by concentrating on such things like focus, teamwork, control, balance, memory, discipline, fitness, and coordination. These are critical skills as it helps them develop into responsible human beings who are healthy, and know how to react in different situations... as any parent guide book will tell you. There's no discipline in this program as opposed to some Martial Arts classes, but the program will focus on positive re-enforcement for your child. This program will also prepare your children for the next level program, the “Children's Martial Arts” program which will further your little ninja's skills.

Bruce McCorrys Academy is dedicated to producing trained happy students who can deal with whatever life throws at them. A leader in the area, the school has hundreds of students come to them yearly, who are now more prepared for life on a much wider scale than they were before. Children who have participated in the 'Little Ninjas' program are better equipped individuals and know how to deal with life. We hope that if you are considering learning Martial Arts or, are considering sending your child to a Martial Arts School, then Bruce McCorrys Martial Arts Academy will be the first choice on your list of options.

We also offer Transportation from the schools to the academy, for your convenience.

Give us a try today...
Enrollment for the Little Ninja's program as well as the After School Programs are now open. Seats are limited.
Call today. 
(978) 535-7878