Friday, February 28, 2014

The Advantages of Kickboxing

Kickboxing  - History and Benefits 
written by: Sandra LaRosa

Another winter is about to pass by, and spring is around the corner,
promising us new beginnings and new hopes. Winter is a time when your weighing scale touches the highest and your weight loss goals, the lowest. Many factors contribute to the winter weight gain – relaxing your diet during the holidays, abstaining from your daily gym session due to cold temps, room heating that prevents your body from burning calories and keeping warm, darker days that affect your circadian rhythm and much more. Now that spring is coming, it is time to pull up your socks and get back to your workout – time to shed those extra pounds you picked up this winter. Well, why not try something innovative this spring – like Kickboxing? The Definition and History of Kickboxing The roots of Kickboxing can be traced to Muay Thai, a Thailand-based martial art developed by soldiers of Siam as a warrior style. When Chulalongkorn became the King of Thailand in 1868, a peaceful era was born, which was conducive for the growth of this art. It expanded to the realms of workout, entertainment, defense and sports. Its initial name was Muay Boran. By 1920s, the name Muay Thai gained prominence. Years later, this art came to be noticed by Osamu Noguchi, an ardent martial art promoter. He wanted to refine the existing Karate style. With the help of Kenji Kurosaki, Noguchi merged the elements of Muay Thai with Karate to give birth to a brand new martial art. Thus the year 1966 saw the birth of Kickboxing. Soon the Kickboxing Association was founded with Japan as its headquarters, which paved the way for the worldwide recognition of Kickboxing.
As the name suggests, Kickboxing lays emphasis on kicking, striking and
punching moves. It also emphasizes defending and evading moves. Kickboxing has many subgenres, of which Cardio Kickboxing has gained much popularity. The health benefit, especially its ability to boost cardiac health, is what makes this style special. American Kickboxing, K-1, Shoot Boxing and Savate are other popular styles.

The Advantages of Kickboxing The benefits of Kickboxing are many. The top 5 benefits are:

1. Correcting the Body Posture: Long hours before your computer and
laptop, especially in wrong postures, ruin your muscle strength. Kickboxing
will help you to correct your posture and strengthen the weak muscles in
your body.

2. The Perfect Cardiac Workout: No other workout or martial art can boost
the health of your heart as Kickboxing does.

3. Focus and Reflexes: Kickboxing sharpens your reflexes, quickens your
mental calculations. This means better focus, coordination and

4. The Ultimate Stress-Buster: Kickboxing is one of the best ways to
reduce stress and relax.

5. Mass-shedding of Calories: Kickboxing is regarded as a workout that can
burn large amount of calories within the shortest time possible.
Bruce McCorry’s Academy - Classes on  Kickboxing 
Regarded as one of the topmost martial arts institutions in the United States, Bruce McCorry’s Academy (Peabody,  Massachusetts) focuses on the
special variant of Kickboxing. For the past forty years, the academy has been instructing students in various martial arts.Kickboxing at Bruce McCorry’s is unique because it is an easy and efficient path to your fitness aim. From losing weight to achieving a perfect body, whatever is your fitness dream, Bruce McCorry’s is here to realize them.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

History of Karate

The History and Benefits of Karate 
written by: Master McCorry

Once you take the big decision to start learning a martial art, the next
big question is the choice. To choose a martial art that suits your needs, you should know about the benefits and specialties of different martial arts. According to the Top Ten list by, the most popular international martial art is Karate. What makes Karate a unique martial art? The simplicity and effectiveness of its methods and the amazing physical and mental benefits are two obvious reasons. By and large, Karate is one of the most popular and widely practiced international martial arts.

A Peek into the History of Karate
Ryukyu Islands in Japan’s Okinawa province is considered the birthplace of Karate. When the aboriginal Japanese martial arts got influenced by the incoming influence of Chinese arts, a new martial art was born – this was Karate. Once Ryukyu started trade and cultural relations with the Mainland Japan, Karate crossed the ocean and became popular in Japan. This happened somewhere around the early 20th century. After the Taisho Era, systematic Karate classes developed in Japan. By 1930s, Japanese universities started giving recognition to Karate. 1960s and 70s saw the birth of martial arts movies. Karate was a genre which reaped the maximum benefit from these movies. It won worldwide appreciation, and dedicated minds started Karate schools in different parts of the world. According to the World Karate Federation, Karate has around 100 million learners all over the world, which makes it a lucrative and popular sport.

Karate: The Benefits and Advantages
After all, what is that element which attracts so many aspiring minds to Karate? A look at the benefits of Karate will answer this question. 
To point out some benefits,

* Karate sharpens your coordination, balance and reflexes
* It boosts your metabolism and physical activities
* It makes your body strong, energetic and refreshed
* Karate can make you flexible and toned 
* It augments your overall health, especially cardiovascular health
* Through Karate, you can defend yourself
* Karate enhances your focus and attention skills
* Karate learners experience less stress
* It builds self-confidence and increases self-worth
* Karate fosters positive attitude toward life
* It motivates consideration, respect and cooperation

Karate: A Martial Art for All Ages
The points above indicate that Karate is an accommodative art; an art for
all ages. Kids and school-going students can develop their concentration,
memory and cooperation skills through Karate. It will also make them
athletic and physically strong. Karate will help adults to combat work
stress. Adults can achieve goals like weight-loss and toned body through
Karate. Karate learners live lives without health risk. In the case of
seniors, Karate can boost their self-esteem. It will bring color to the old
age through friendships and socializing.

Karate at Bruce McCorry’s Academy
There is something as important as your martial art choice: the place where you choose to learn it. Established in 1978 as a small martial arts center in Peabody (MA), Bruce McCorry’s Martial Arts Acadely has grown into one of the top-ranked institutions in the US. Karate classes in the academy are exceptional because they offer a well-crafted syllabus and professional training. To realize your Karate goals, embrace the passion of Karate at Bruce McCorry’s!