Saturday, November 21, 2015

Perfect Preschooler Martial Arts Program

Little Ninjas: Preschooler Martial Arts Program for your Little Champ
written by: Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts Academy, Peabody, MA

Martial arts for preschoolers might sound a bit too ambitious, because most parents feel that their children are too fragile at three or four years to take up something heavy like martial arts. Many myths have come to prevail around preschooler martial arts – that it will make kids violent, aggressive, impatient and so on. But knowing martial arts in detail will tell you these are just myths. Whichever age group your child belongs to, martial arts can do them good and only good. Especially so if you have a preschooler.

Little Ninjas Program at Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts: Perfect Preschooler Martial Arts Program

Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts Academy introduced the Little Ninjas Program to extend the benefits of preschooler martial arts to all the little champs out there. This is for children from three to six years of age. Some of the highlights of the Little Ninjas Program will tell you how much your child can benefit from martial arts at a young age.

1. The program introduces basic martial art moves and techniques to your kids focusing on their overall growth and development – their physical, mental, emotional and social skills.
2. Children of 3-6 age group are still in the phase of developing motor skills and bone strength. The Little Ninjas Program will help them to grow up with a strong and healthy physique and clearly developed motor skills.

3. Preschooler years are crucial in the development of social abilities. These years are fundamental in shaping your child's confidence level, language skills, and social attitude. Martial Art lessons at Little Ninjas can help them to develop confidence, positive thinking and an open mind. 

4. The Little Ninjas Program exposes your child to a set of activities through which their brain evolves and takes in the world around them. Early martial art learners are proven to grow up as better students and learners.

5. Early foundations of martial art training will help children to grow up healthy, immune to many illnesses, and develop an athletic nature. Many former Little Ninjas have found their early martial art training useful in sports, athletics, games, dancing and other activities.

6. The Little Ninjas Course teaches your children values like friendship, companionship, mutual respect and caring. It does not make your kids aggressive like those martial art movies tell you. Instead it makes your kids responsible people and caring human beings.

7. One merit of the Little Ninjas Program is that it never burdens your child with more than what she/he can handle. At a preschooler age this is very important, because teaching too much and teaching unprofessionally will leave your child tired. Therefore you need a responsible program like the Little Ninjas and a professional school like Bruce McCorry's.

Children, Martial Arts and Life: The Steps to Success
If your child never got a chance in her/his young years to take up martial arts, don't worry. Even though preschooler martial arts has numerous benefits, it is never really late to take up martial arts. If you have a school going child, Bruce McCorry's Academy has equally potential courses like the Afterschool Martial Arts (AMP) and Summer Programs for them. AMP is for those who want to balance their school life with martial arts, and it focuses on enhancing health, study skills and confidence. Martial Arts is your child's step to success, and it is never too late to say yes!  

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Overcoming Bullying: Tips for Children and Teens who are Victims of Bullying

Overcoming Bullying: Tips for Children and Teens who are Victims of Bullying
written by: Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts

We hear of bullying cases all the time. It's time to put an end to the bullies once and for all! Only those who have been through bullying know how difficult it is. It does not just make life difficult for the bullied person, but also gradually leaves long-term impact on the body and psyche of the victim. What many children or teens do not realize is that you are not bound to live through your school life being a victim. You can deal with bullying and come out of it, if you once decide to do it.

A Closer Look at Bullying
If you are repeatedly subjected to any form of aggressive behavior by your classmates or seniors, you are facing bullying. It can be verbal like teasing or name-calling. It can also be physical, when the bully tries to target you physically. Even relational aggression, such as isolating someone or not talking to someone is part of bullying. Bullying can take worse forms like hazing or forcing someone to do something unwillingly.

The reasons of bullying can be many – jealousy, desire to impress others, love for control, or dysfunctional family background. Whatever be the reason, the impact it leaves on victims can be devastating. It may cause physical injuries, anxiety, depression, guilt or even suicidal impulse in the bullied child. Often, the victims of bullying are those who stand out different within a group, and most unfortunately, victims often blame themselves and grow up feeling insecure through their lives.

If You are Bullied – Tips to Survive Bullying
First word in overcoming any bullying is to tell yourself that it is absolutely not your fault. Whichever way you are, you are unique and it is no excuse for anyone to bully you. Once you have that mindset, you can use the following tips to deal with bullies.

1. Report Bullying: Bullying is not permitted in any institutions, and you have the right to prevent bullying by reporting it to your teachers, parents or other responsible adults.

2. Manage Stress: Learn to manage stressful situations in life. You can use meditation, martial arts, positive thinking and other ways to manage stress and overcome bullying.

3. Avoid Bullies: Bullying succeeds partly because they know you get uncomfortable. Ignoring bullies and avoiding potential situations discourage bullies to a great extent.

4. Get Friend Support: There might be others who do not bully you, or children who are victims just like you. Get their friendship and support.

5. Be Confident and Self-Protective: Most victims are introverted, diffident or meek. Try to build self-confidence. You can take up helpful things like self-defense techniques, martial arts, public speeking and so on. If you are confident to resist bullying and know how to defend, no one can bully you.

Martial Arts: Your Companion in Dealing with Bullying
Martial art was often mentioned in the above tips, but getting to know it closer will tell you how effective can martial arts be in preventing bullying:

1. It makes you stronger and powerful
2. It helps you to balance yourself emotionally and teaches positive thinking
3. It teaches you elementary self-defense and protective techniques
4. It can be a good stress-relief method
5. It makes you confident and courageous

 At professional martial arts institutions like Bruce McCorry's Academy, you learn to deal with and come out of all stressful situations in life with the help of martial arts. This can be the perfect solution for the difficulties you face in your school or in your social life. Take up martial arts today to build a courageous and confident you!  Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts Academy, your anti-bullying advocates.