Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thanksgiving: Origins and History

As we approach this Holiday Season, we would like to express our thanks. As we look back upon the past year, we would like to take the time and acknowledge those who have helped us along the way.  Special thanks to our valued customers and long time students. We are grateful for your support. We look forward to another year of new goals. Its a pleasure serving you.
Thank you. Most of all, thank you for your loyalty, new and older students alike... WE WISH EVERYONE ALL THE BEST IN ANY ALL ENDEVOURS YOU EMBARK UPON IN 2015.
Happy Holidays
Master McCorry and Sandra

Enjoy a little Thanksgiving History, Facts and Origin...

Today, we think of Thanksgiving as November’s fourth Thursday – a day to gather as a family and enjoy a delicious meal. But beyond the feast and the family, Thanksgiving has an interesting and unforgettable history which every American should know.

Thanksgiving: Origins and History
The roots of the Thanksgiving ceremony can be traced to the Native American traditions of giving thanks after a bountiful harvest. The turkey and pumpkin pie that we enjoy today is a relic of the ancient ways of commemorating a good harvest.

When the Pilgrims crossed the waters, they brought with them many Puritan religious customs of which Puritan Thanksgiving was one. This religious ritual that combined meals and prayer later became blended with the Native American tradition of Thanksgiving. In the modern sense, the day was first celebrated in 1621, when the Pilgrims succeeded in coming up with a good harvest after suffering and scarcity for a long time. The customs they initiated – the feasting, recreation and family gathering – are what we observe to this day. There are chronicles and documents which prove that 1621 celebration marked the birth of Thanksgiving in the modern sense.

In 1777, the fervor of the new nation was seen in the Continental Congress declaring the first ever national Thanksgiving. By 1815, the concept of National Thanksgiving gradually ceased, though President Washington and others had endorsed this mode of celebration. Since then, Thanksgiving was more or less an individual state observance until President Lincoln once again called for a National Thanksgiving to unite the war-shaken country. In 1941, the Congress fixed the fourth Thursday of November as the permanent Thanksgiving holiday, as we celebrate it today.

Massachusetts and Thanksgiving
Massachusetts is important in the annals of American history as the landing point of the Pilgrims. In the history of Thanksgiving also, Massachusetts has its proud space. Though we don’t know the exact date in which the first Thanksgiving took place, we know that the spot was Plymouth. There are eye-witness accounts of the incident as the evidence of this. It is from Massachusetts that Thanksgiving was embraced by the whole of the United States to be a national festival.

Thanksgiving Facts Today
Here are some of the facts about Thanksgiving which you don’t know!

* Though Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in US, it is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada

* First Thanksgiving was celebrated for three days

* During Thanksgiving celebration, 28000000 turkeys are sold every year

* An average American consumes up to 18 pounds of Turkey a year

* Benjamin Franklin wanted Turkey to be the national bird

* 91% of Americans celebrate Thanksgiving by eating Turkey

* Each Thanksgiving and Christmas causes a pound of weight gain to an average American

* The pounds you gain during these holidays cannot be lost (Make sure you work out!)

* West Coast of US uses Dungeness Crab sometimes instead of turkey

* Thomas Jefferson thought of Thanksgiving as a “ridiculous idea”

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