Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Ways to Lift Your Spirit – Here are Some Ideas!

Ways to Lift Your Spirit – Here are Some Ideas!

With the world facing a dilemma like never before in its recent history with the novel coronavirus outbreak, and with most of us bound to the indoors, unable to move on with our everyday lives, it is quite easy for the bravest of us to feel our spirits waning. However, if we think about it, there is so much we can do to keep ourselves happy and keep up the spirits of those around us, all the while staying indoors and safe. Here are some great ideas to lift your spirit, stay healthy, and stay happy in these times, within the safety of your homes:

• Find Time for Self-Care: If anything matters in these times, it is health and immunity. While you are forced to stay at home, it would be wise to seek out some time for self-care—find ways to eat healthy, stay hydrated, get enough sleep, and catch up on whatever workout or exercise regime you have been following. If you are trained in any activities that can boost immunity, like martial arts, yoga, or dance, this is the right moment to spare some time for it.

• Revive Your Hobbies: If there is any hobby that gives you happiness and peace, this is the right time to stick to it. Read some books, catch up on films you wanted to watch, go through your collections. This could even be the time to take up something new. Painting, embroidery, houseplant caring and cooking could all be your new safe indoor hobby.

• Choose the Right Books, Movies and Shows: While you are at it, choose well when it comes to what you read and watch. Go for whatever gives you positive energy and good vibes. Consciously put away depressing and disheartening content, which can only make you feel less spirited in hard times.

• Find Time for Family: If you are bound at home with your family, this the a time to bond and spend quality time together. Lift each other's spirits up, bond over activities that can be done together such as dining hours, movies and games. You could also think of starting new and meaningful traditions with your loved ones. If your family is away, stay in touch with them and send positive vibes over phone and internet. 

• Focus on Positive News: While it is true that a lot of what is happening out there is frightening and disheartening, it is imperative that we focus on the glimmers of positive news for feeling better in this age of chaos. Focus on stories of recovery, strength of will, and reunion, to feel hopeful and happy.

• Stick to All the Safety Measures: Lastly and most importantly, make sure you constantly update yourself with the right safety measures to keep and stick to them. Being on alert and sticking to rules will not just reduce the risk of falling ill—it is the only way to ensure whatever little peace of mind, contentment and safety we can hope for.

When the whole nation is fighting to keep its people safe and healthy, the least we can do from wherever we are staying, is to stick to the rules, stay positive, send words of courage to others, and hope for the best.

 Let us all stay safe and happy, until the time of crisis blows itself over.

Master Bruce McCorry

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