Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Martial Arts - The Sports that Can Save Your Kids

Martial Arts - The Sports that Can Save Your Kids

Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts Center
220 Newbury St
Peabody MA 01960

 (978) 535-7878

There was a time when the school used to be a relatively safe space for children, but those times are swiftly waning away. According to US Department of Education, 28% of children are victims of bullying in American schools, which nearly comes up to 1 out of every 5 child. 3.6 million kids are victims of abuse in different ways, and this includes assaults and crimes committed against children. Often, kids face violence and insecurity when they are not supervised by adults, whether in the school, or in other public places. It seems as if the only way to ensure that your kid will have a safe life is by empowering him/her through self-defense. This is exactly why children’s martial arts become so important in our culture.

The Sports that Can Save Kids: Bruce McCorry’s Experience
One of the long-standing martial arts institutions in Peabody, MA, Bruce McCorry’s Academy of Martial Arts owns a legacy that is nearly four decades old. The academy has remained a premier hub of children’s martial arts for years now, with generations of kids choosing Bruce McCorry’s Programs to learn martial arts. The experience at the academy has proven how martial arts can be a perfect sports that can save children from many dangers:

  • Kids’ martial art makes kids physically stronger, healthier and fit. It also gives children the necessary self-confidence and presence of mind to defend themselves if an emergency presents itself. This improves the chances of kids being capable of self-defense.
  • Martial art makes the senses of children sharper and teaches them to be alert to their surroundings. With martial arts training, kids will be able to foresee potentially dangerous situations and avoid the situation in advance.
  • As the experience at Bruce McCorry’s Academy has shown, the courage and confidence mustered through martial arts training helps children not only to defend themselves from dangerous emergencies like assault, but also from everyday situations such as bullying and peer pressure. Often, this comes off as more of a real help to school-going kids as bullying and peer pressure are concerns that most of them face in real life.
  • Martial arts will teach kids not only to defend themselves, but also to stand up for other children in need. Thus, concerns like bullying almost cease to exist if a majority of children in a classroom have been trained in sports like martial arts.
  • Finally, the strength provided by martial arts training is not merely physical, but also psychological and emotional. Young martial art learners grow up to be emotionally stable and strong individuals. As a result, those kids who have learnt martial arts from childhood have higher chances of surviving through difficult conditions in future life. They are less likely to be victims of assault, trauma or domestic violence in future. If at all they go through these situations, early martial arts training provides victims the ability to bounce back to life quicker and with lesser consequences.

A few years of martial arts in the younger years can really be the life-saver that will protect your child from different sorts of danger in the present and future. Say yes to martial arts, the sport that can save your child in every way!

Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts Center
220 Newbury St
Peabody MA 01960

 (978) 535-7878

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