Self Defense Basics for Kids
written by: Master McCorry

Many times, we often see actors in movies showing how easy it is for a vulnerable girl to get away from her prevailing attackers. In most cases, it takes not more than a kick in the groin or a punch in the eyes. This view may give you the wrong perception about self-defense. It would be much better to imagine what would happen in real life while in the midst of throwing a kick... one would most likely be thrown off balance to the ground. This point of view should make one take note of the fact that self-defense is more than just being able to throw karate kicks or jabs. It
involves the entire self, including one’s brains.
Use Your Wits
Using more of your brain could easily land one in less trouble. Prevention is better than cure. One sure way of self-defense is to try and avoid an attack before it happens. If for instance you are alone on a path and you feel unsafe, it is best to move to a place where there are more people as soon as possible.
The other blunder that people make, both guys and girls, is to try and confront an attacker. The best option would be to try and get away. Confronting an attacker simply agitates them more. Confrontation should come as a last resort.
Pacifying a Deadly Situation
It is rather interesting and very sad that most youngsters are attacked by people they know. In such situations, an important self-defense tactic known as de-escalating may save the situation. This is where one tries to show co-operation with the attacker as they find an avenue to escape. If for instance one is attacked by a robber, it is better to give out cash rather than try to resist.
As much as possible, one should try to re-assure the attacker that they are safe and they mean no harm. One important trick with skill is that one should learn to control their temper. Losing your temper or arrogantly talking to the person known to them may only serve to agitate them
De-escalation may not work in all scenarios. However, it is safer to remain calm and not show your anger, disappointment or aggression to the attacker.
Mitigating One’s Risks
The other facet about self-defense is to ensure that one engages in practices that could help them stay safe. Below are some of the tips from experts:
• Having a good understanding of one’s surroundings will make teenagers avoid lonely and/or dark paths and places.
• Consider moving in a group at night.
• Ensure that parents or cronies are aware of one’s schedule and whereabouts.
• Examine and evaluate the security situation of hangouts before settling down.
• Look confident and aware of the surroundings.
• Stay near the driver while using public transport and remain awake not to become an easy target.
Consider Taking Self-Defense Classes
When an attacker is pursuing someone, repulsing them requires practical skills and knowledge in self-defense. The only sure way to get such skills is through taking a self-defense class. Some of the moves may be explained in articles. However, one has to attend self-defense classes in order to learn how to perform them properly and master them. It is prudent to take
the classes with a friend or family member with whom you will be practicing even at home. Sign up today to receive a FREE introductory lesson. There are no obligations; it truly is just a free trial.

All you'll need to do is visit our website and fill out the form or simply call us. (978) 535-7878 One of our staff members will be sure to contact you promptly to schedule your free session.
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