Asperger’s Syndrome and Martial Arts
written by: Master McCorry
Please note: Although Bruce McCorry's Martial Arts Academy has great success working with people under the Autism Spectrum, it is advised to consult your doctor before participating in any form of Martial Arts.

A survey report by the Center for Disease Controls states the alarming fact that one out of every 88 children in the state are affected with Asperger’s Syndrome. The past ten years have seen a startling increase in the number of cases reported under autism spectrum in both kids and adults. Many doctors, psychologists and experts now put forth martial arts as a therapy for Asperger’s Syndrome.
Getting to Know Asperger’s Syndrome
Named after the Austrian physician Hans Asperger, Asperger’s Disorder (AD) is a neurodevelopment disorder that falls under the broader Autism Spectrum Disorders. The distinctive features of Asperger’s Disorder include impairment of social skills, difficulties in communicating with ease, patterns of behavior that are repetitive, and violent outbursts and tantrums in children called meltdowns by experts. Asperger’s Syndrome was discovered as early as 1944. However, it was during the 80s and 90s that the public started becoming aware of its complications and symptoms. Though early intervention and social training have been found extremely useful in Asperger’s Syndrome therapies, often the kids and adults in the spectrum have difficulties in mustering body strength, coordinating movements and communicating with ease. These are the areas where martial arts have been found effective.
Martial Art Therapy for Asperger’s Disorder
The relationship between Asperger's Syndrome and martial arts is a much debated topic among doctors. People with Asperger’s Syndrome are advised by doctors to take martial arts because martial arts can make some difference in the following aspects of their condition:
1. Through martial arts, patients can learn body postures and movements which are new to them. This will be useful in developing coordination and motor skills.
2. Attention deficiency is a common challenge for people with Asperger’s Disorder. Taking martial arts lessons will help them to concentrate their attention for longer.
3. Repetitive patterns of behaviors seen in people with Asperger’s (such as tracing and retracing the steps, obsessively arranging things in order and repeating simple tasks like washing hands) can be limited using effective martial arts training.
4. Martial arts can be an outlet that channelizes the excessive energy in a constructive manner. This effectively brings down chances of meltdowns and tantrums.
5. Martial arts provides a platform where children and adults under the Spectrum can interact with people who are similar to them as well as others. This will definitely improve the communication skills. It will also reduce social inhibition considerably.
Treating Asperger’s with Martial Arts – Choosing a Center
When people with Asperger’s Syndrome decide to take martial arts lessons, a number of things should be taken into concern. It is inevitable that the class should be under the supervision of professionals and experts. If not systematic, martial art lessons can make little difference to their condition. This is why you should choose an efficient academy like Bruce McCorry’s.
What makes Bruce McCorry’s Academy is its inclusive nature. From kids to seniors, everyone can find their own space at the academy and receive individual attention. When people under Autism Spectrum come to Bruce McCorry’s Academy, what they get is a chance to be at a place where they won’t feel out-of-place. Constructive lessons and friendly atmosphere helps them to interact with others. With four decades of experience in the field of martial arts, Bruce McCorry’s can be the change to your life that you have been looking for.
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